animation workshops based on "non-camera" principles and Polish 80's "magic lantern"-cartoon projectors type
what is that?
In "non-camera" film making the drawing is done directly on a 35mm clear film material. We don’t need a camera, chemical processes, or work in the darkroom to create an analogue moving image. To set our pictures in motion we will use old and strongly forgotten special cartoon type projectors of Polish 80's production called "ANIA". They are manually operated, very simple magic lantern-mechanisms, friendly and super easy to approach by anyone!
To spark the curiosity towards film material and traditional film projecting, each meeting is opened by a short screening of 16mm animation film. Selected copies are unique and timeless titles from the countries of the Baltic Sea, Scandinavia, Germany and Czech.
These meetings are all about film, creativity and joy!
There is going to be a lot of experiments, use of montage and collage. I want to encourage each animator to do the most spontaneous film actions, using the tools for painting, drawing, cutting, sticking, sewing, stamping, etc. The form and the lengths of the film is depended only on its makers. Each ready animation is self-projected by using one of "Ania" projectors. At the end of the workshop together, we will create a unique "non-camera" spectacle, where hand-made images will grow to the size of a white screen and will be set in motion. Each author will also build his own unique film-can, to archive the work as a form of small analogue treasure.
Through these workshops I intend to present the beginnings of 1920s experimental film making, showing the world of Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp, Henry Chômette and the avant-garde circles of the 1960s, like Stan Brakhage, Peter Kubelka, or Julian Antonisz. I want to expand the perception of film and show the diversity of our past and present cultures. By these meetings I aim to get us as close as possible to the unique taste of the analogue film world!