
Artists-run film collective Baltic Analog Lab (Riga,LV) in collaboration with Filmwerkstaden (Vaasa/FI) and WHS Theater presents second expanded cinema performance evening “SPECTRAL Expanded” with four artists presenting four audio-visual works using 16mm film projectors and live sound. This year we present works from a member of Filmwerkstaden – Natalia Kozieł-Kalliomäki with her work that was created during her residency in LIFT (Canada), a member from Baltic Analog Lab – Ieva Balode (LV) together with sound artist and violinist Biliana Voutchkova (BG/DE) with a work that was created during SHAPE platform and Skaņu Mežs music festival residency in Riga and as the third guest of the evening – Canadian filmmaker Alex MacKenzie who will be performing two performances for single 16mm film projector.